Santa Ana


It was founded in 1633 in the region of Tapé the banks of the River Igay. Like other surrounding towns, in 1637, emigrated because of the attacks of the Bandeirantes. In 1639 he moved to the banks of the Parana, near where he settled in 1660.



Founded in 1633 in the region of Tapé the banks of the River Igay. Like other surrounding towns, in 1637, emigrated because of the attacks of the Bandeirantes. In 1639 he moved to the banks of the Parana, near where he settled in 1660.
Founded by: It was founded in 1633 by Fathers Pedro Romero and Christopher Mendoza


The Reduction of Our Lady of Santa Ana, is located in the town of Candelaria, just 2 kilometers away from the head of the department, 45 kilometers from the capital of the Province of Misiones, Posadas city.


El acceso al poblado estaba flanqueado por dos capillas simétricas, una de las cuales se conserva en buen estado; de la otra quedan vestigios de cimientos. Al igual que en otros casos, el trazado del pueblo está ordenado alrededor de la plaza.

En su lado sur se alza el conjunto de la iglesia, sacristía, casa de los padres, escuela, cementerio, huerta, el coty-guazú y otras dependencias comunitarias. Pero la particularidad de su emplazamiento, en el que se destacan grandes cambios de nivel, impuso criterios propios al proyecto urbano, cuyo elemento más llamativo es la imponente sobreelevación del conjunto principal, con gran escalinata de acceso, de monumentalidad poco común.

Las tiras de vivienda de los indios son diferentes a las de otras reducciones. Se destacan los restos de obras utilitarias, como canalizaciones pluviales y los andenes de cultivo del huerto. En 1984, Santa Ana fue incluida en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO

Estado actual

As for the current situation in which the remains of these reductions, the town remains remarkably.
The Temple had intact stone walls with wooden structures. The walls have a height of six to eight meters. Exterior walls and the access stairs are highlighted.
Residence or School Workshops and had bases in stones with adobe walls, which today can
observed as mounds. Notably the access stairway to the College.
The cemetery, which still has its limits, is occupied by a modern cemetery, although deprecated.
Cotyguazú mounds of homes and columns remain. The perimeter wall of the orchard is well preserved, and is characterized by the peculiar kick that develops across its top.
It has a visitor center as well as possessing Museum, Mini bar, toilets, workshop and Deposit Rooms archaeological material and archaeologists.
Heritage (1984) – UNESCO

Patrimonio de la Humanidad (1.984) – UNESCO


